2023-06-15 13:41:30 +01:00

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Magia Translate

Discord Chat
This is the client source code for Magia Translate, an English translation modification for Magia Record JP. It is licenced under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

How to build

  • Clone the repository including all submodules git clone --recurse-submodules
  • Download android-ndk-r21d from and place it somewhere.
  • Install Visual Studio along with ninja and cmake plugins for C++. Edit the paths to these executables in the .bat files if you are not using VS 2019 Enterprise.
  • Install the python requirements in requirements.txt.
  • Move sign_example.bat to sign.bat and add your jarsigner keystore, alias and password.
  • Build abiproxy by running abiproxy/build_release.bat.
  • Place your magia record APK in the apk directory.
  • Run build_release.bat.


  • Use build.bat if you want a debug build with debug symbols.
  • If your apk has split ABIs (armeabi-v7a/arm64), you will need to move the other into build/app/lib/{ARCH}. For example, if the arm7 version of the game is placed in apk/, you need to move the arm8 .so manually, and vice versa.


Create a pull request with your contributions. Please do not submit any copyrighted content (images) to this repository.

Ensure you test your changes on both armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a. Also test an emulator such as Nox. To force install a specific ABI, use something like: adb.exe -s device install --abi arm64-v8a -r -d .\MagiaTranslate_v2.2.6_v110.apk

Further reading