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Ceta 2021-08-22 01:38:09 -04:00
parent b3e889430c
commit 148a05f94e
5 changed files with 5 additions and 0 deletions

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{"story":{"group_1":[{"autoTurnLast":0.01,"bg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"},{"bgm":"bgm04_movie01","nameNarration":"","narration":"Once upon a time,@beyond the far future,@there is a goddess of Magical Girls@higher than the heavens.","narrationBg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","narrationCoverOpacity":0.0,"narrationEffect":"in","turnChangeOut":"fadeOut"},{"narration":"Every day,@the goddess sits upon the edge of the universe,@listening to countless records spin round and round,@and smiles gently."},{"narration":"The sounds of the universe being born long, long ago,@the voices of young girls cheering in the far future,@the goddess watches over Magical Girls."},{"narration":"She listens to each and every one of them@\"without favoring any\"."},{"narration":"However, there is but one record@that is \"special\" to the goddess."},{"narration":"It is one that the goddess \"was not aware of\",@a record that continues to play new singing voices,@that the goddess is always carefully listening to."},{"autoTurnLast":2.0,"turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"}]},"version":3}

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{"story":{"group_1":[{"autoTurnLast":0.01,"bg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"},{"bgm":"bgm04_movie01","nameNarration":"","narration":"Round and round it spins.@Voices sing, as many as the stars sparkling in the heavens.@She listens to them all,@but the goddess's eyes fixate upon only one record.","narrationBg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","narrationCoverOpacity":0.0,"narrationEffect":"in","turnChangeOut":"fadeOut"},{"narration":"The goddess, of course, had reason@to give such special treatment to it,@this record that plays \"new\" singing voices still."},{"narration":"In this vast, vast universe,@there is nothing the goddess knows not."},{"narration":"For the goddess knows and cherishes all records,@and remembers them well."},{"narration":"Huh? Was there a record like this?"},{"narration":"She found them while the stars twinkled in their sleep,@but here another record lies,@forgotten to be spun."},{"narration":"One that should be known, yet is \"unknown\".@One she should have remembered,@yet her eyes have \"met them for the first time\".@This record perplexed the goddess."},{"narration":"The goddess recognizes the singing voices@playing upon the engraved record.@They belong to Magical Girls upon whom@she has granted her blessings."},{"narration":"But it had only just begun."},{"narration":"As she continued listening,@the goddess realized her blessed song@had not touched upon this record,@as if the \"unknown\" voices were engraving it."},{"narration":"The goddess was confused, bewildered."},{"narration":"As she gazed upon this mysterious record,@observing the slightest strain of the grooves@as they are engraved,@she knew this record was still being made."},{"narration":"After some hesitation,@the goddess decided to watch over this \"special\" record."},{"narration":"For if she forced her blessed song upon this record,@it may very well break."},{"autoTurnLast":2.0,"turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"}]},"version":3}

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{"story":{"group_1":[{"autoTurnLast":0.01,"bg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"},{"bgm":"bgm04_movie01","nameNarration":"","narration":"The goddess decided to watch over@the mysterious and \"special\" record,@but not without unease.","narrationBg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","narrationCoverOpacity":0.0,"narrationEffect":"in","turnChangeOut":"fadeOut"},{"narration":"The singing voices echoed through the mirror,@trying to intertwine with@the voices blessed by the goddess."},{"narration":"As if two fates are binding together,@the record ties to another with soft thread.@Like a tin can phone,@the \"new\" singing voices were trying to be heard@from the other record."},{"narration":"How incredibly dangerous this is,@for the echoing sound could damage@the other record immensely."},{"narration":"For a time, the goddess pondered,@watching the stars and planets circle about.@Mmhmm she softly murmured in worry."},{"narration":"Is it better to cut this thread?@Or is cutting it too dangerous?"},{"narration":"Though she had prepared herself@to break the \"special\" record,@she couldn't help but remember those \"new\" singing voices@and the great effort they made to play."},{"narration":"One more, just one more turn.@I'll wait for the stars caressing this record@to revolve one more time."},{"narration":"And no touching it."},{"narration":"Huh? The thread is unraveling."},{"narration":"The goddess was in doubt.@Should she cut the thread?@The \"new\" singing voices playing on the record@were unraveling the thread@they wrapped themselves in."},{"narration":"Like a gentle hand outstretched,@yet tempted by sin, the length of thread unties itself@and is safely put away@before entangling itself with other singing voices."},{"narration":"The goddess gently holds the other record.@Not a single scratch upon it.@The glow of the stars sparkle and shine across it."},{"narration":"The Magical Girls sing, at peace.@Song after blessed song gently wraps them."},{"narration":"...This one is still okay."},{"narration":"The white nebula slowly sways.@The goddess sighed in relief."},{"narration":"If other records remain undamaged,@the goddess need not break this \"special\" record."},{"autoTurnLast":2.0,"turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"}]},"version":3}

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{"story":{"group_1":[{"autoTurnLast":0.01,"bg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"},{"bgm":"bgm04_movie01","nameNarration":"","narration":"Faster than the white nebula of the goddess's sigh@could even dissipate,@from the record engraving its \"new\" singing voices@flowed a song of sorrow.","narrationBg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","narrationCoverOpacity":0.0,"narrationEffect":"in","turnChangeOut":"fadeOut"},{"narration":"This was not the first time@she heard such sharp echoes,@like the silvery sparkle of stars@piercing the icy night of winter."},{"narration":"This record...@Sometimes it plays songs of painful screams."},{"narration":"This record is not the first to play songs of sadness,@however, as the goddess listens@to the singing voices for her first time,@she already knows just what brought them."},{"narration":"Though grief it may be, there is no despair..."},{"narration":"The song is always the same.@A song of caged birds singing@with their gaze upon the blue sky.@A prayer to find hope and salvation."},{"narration":"This prayer...@Though the goddess be filled with unease and worry,@this prayer is her reason to not break this \"special\" record."},{"narration":"So long as this \"special\" record's prayers@break not the prayers of others,@she will watch over them."},{"narration":"Just as caged birds dream of freedom@to fly as they wish through the blue sky,@I too dream of a time where they can rejoice and play."},{"autoTurnLast":2.0,"turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"}]},"version":3}

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{"story":{"group_1":[{"autoTurnLast":0.01,"bg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"},{"bgm":"bgm04_movie01","nameNarration":"","narration":"So long as their voices resound together,@singing, praying, believing in hope,@even if she feels worried,@the goddess shall not break this \"special\" record.","narrationBg":"bg_adv_20411.jpg","narrationCoverOpacity":0.0,"narrationEffect":"in","turnChangeOut":"fadeOut"},{"narration":"For it held some promise."},{"narration":"Just as there are singing voices \"I know not\",@perhaps there is happiness I too \"know not\"?"},{"narration":"Happiness remains happiness,@feelings remain feelings,@wishes remain wishes."},{"narration":"Prayers remain hope.@Only despair they need not."},{"narration":"Until the time comes@that these prayers break,@the goddess shall watch over them."},{"narration":"Even if they be painful,@difficult, stressful, miserable,@so long as these singing voices@spin the \"special\" record with hope,@she dare not break it."},{"narration":"The goddess, unable to give her song of blessing,@can only speak in a gentle voice."},{"narration":"I know, right now@you are fighting a difficult and painful battle."},{"narration":"I know not what future you will follow..."},{"narration":"Of so many universes,@there is proof of but one strange universe within..."},{"narration":"But you know, looking at it another way,@all of you can open the future yourselves.@This universe is one without a singular fate."},{"narration":"So do not lose,@no matter how painful it may be."},{"narration":"Because I'm sure, someday,@you will be able to create a future of salvation."},{"autoTurnLast":0.01,"bgm":"stop","narrationEffect":"out","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"},{"nameNarration":"","narration":"Today, the \"special\" record began redoing its engraving.","narrationCoverOpacity":0.0,"narrationEffect":"in","turnChangeOut":"fadeOut","turnChangeOutTime":1.5},{"narration":"What kind of record will it become?"},{"narration":"Even the goddess knows not."},{"autoTurnLast":0.01,"narrationEffect":"out","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn","turnChangeInTime":1.5},{"nameNarration":"","narration":"Even the goddess understands not.","narrationCoverOpacity":0.0,"narrationEffect":"in","turnChangeOut":"fadeOut","turnChangeOutTime":1.5},{"autoTurnLast":2.0,"bg":"black","bgm":"stop","narrationEffect":"out","turnChangeIn":"fadeIn","turnChangeInTime":2.0},{"armatureList":[{"animation":["action"],"armatureId":1,"filePath":"resource/image_native/effect/story/general/602301_5.ExportJson","zOrder":"charaFront"}],"autoTurnLast":2.0,"turnChangeOut":"fadeOut"},{"autoTurnLast":2.0,"deleteArmatureList":[1],"turnChangeIn":"fadeIn"}]},"version":3}