2024-02-11 20:02:40 +08:00

1280 lines
46 KiB

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"textLeft": "Phew, and this should be nearly everything@in the storeroom taken out!"
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"nameRight": "Sasara",
"textRight": "I probably should've asked beforehand, but are you@really planning to sift through all of this stuff?"
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"chara": [
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"nameLeft": "Iroha",
"textLeft": "I just thought that if I found some documents@on Tsuyu Mizuna and Chizuru at the dojo,"
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"nameLeft": "Iroha",
"textLeft": "then I might find some kind of lead to@the root of the East-West conflict..."
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"textRight": "Where on earth are you getting the confidence@that we're \"certain\" to find it?"
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"textRight": "Hey, have your assumptions@served you well even once?!"
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"nameLeft": "Asuka",
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"textRight": "Turn that train of thought around! Prepare all@you want, but leave your life out of it!"
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"textLeft": "..."
"chara": [
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-20"
"nameLeft": "Rena",
"textLeft": "You didn't drag us out here just to@show us your comedy skit, did you?"
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"chara": [
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-22"
"nameRight": "Kaede",
"textRight": "We're here to help the others look through@Ryushin Dojo's collection, remember?"
"chara": [
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"motion": 100,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-23"
"nameRight": "Kaede",
"textRight": "Were you even listening to what Iroha told us?"
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"nameLeft": "Rena",
"textLeft": "[chara:100901:effect_emotion_angry_0][se:7219_strain]Don't insult me right back just because@I said something snide, you idiot!"
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"nameLeft": "Momoko",
"textLeft": "The way I see it, you two make a@pretty good comedy duo yourselves..."
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"textLeft": "Also, the reason you two are@here is to give me some support."
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"nameRight": "Kaede",
"textRight": "Oh yeah, your injuries still haven't healed."
"chara": [
"id": 101001,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-29"
"nameLeft": "Momoko",
"textLeft": "Exactly, and that's why I'd like you to@help me with my share of the work."
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"nameRight": "Rena",
"textRight": "I wonder if this will really help us find the cause@of the East-West feud and bring an end to it..."
"chara": [
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"id": 100101,
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"nameLeft": "Iroha",
"textLeft": "Depending on what we find,@it might even make things worse..."
"chara": [
"id": 100101,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-32"
"nameLeft": "Iroha",
"textLeft": "But it's a risk worth taking if we@can find the root of the problem."
"chara": [
"id": 100101,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-33"
"nameLeft": "Iroha",
"textLeft": "We might be able to mend the rift@between the two sides just a little."
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"nameRight": "Momoko",
"textRight": "It'd sure be nice if they could just leave the@past behind and shake off their grudges."
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"textLeft": "Yeah..."
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"textCenter": "Wha, I was told I had a guest, but...@It can't be..."
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"textRight": "I-I'm sorry for coming in without warning!"
"chara": [
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"textRight": "I didn't know where everyone was meeting at,"
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-40"
"nameRight": "Karin",
"textRight": "so I thought, I could definitely@find you here, Nagitan!"
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"motion": 100,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-41"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "I'm glad to see you've returned safely, Artist..."
"chara": [
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-42"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "Does that mean you came back together@with the Magius virtuoso?"
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"textRight": "No, I came back by myself..."
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"motion": 100,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-44"
"nameRight": "Karin",
"textRight": "And so, I have so much to tell everyone...!"
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"textLeft": "Hm..."
"chara": [
"id": 101602,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-46"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "While I would love to simply cut my shift short@and take you to the meeting place,"
"chara": [
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"id": 101602,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-47"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "I am unfortunately not free@to leave at the moment..."
"chara": [
"id": 101201,
"motion": 300,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-48"
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"textRight": "Is that so..."
"chara": [
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"id": 101602,
"motion": 200,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-49"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "However, you should be able to find Tamaki@and the others at the Ryushin Dojo right now."
"chara": [
"id": 101602,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-50"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "I hear Togame and Akino are there as well,@so it'll be perfect for you, Artist."
"chara": [
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"motion": 200,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-51"
"nameRight": "Karin",
"textRight": "Yeah, having Kaede there is great,@it'll be easier to talk with a friend around!"
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"id": 101201,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-52"
"nameRight": "Karin",
"textRight": "Ah, I should have gotten in touch with her...!"
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"id": 101602,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-53"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "Heh, being in a rush does make@one neglect many things."
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"motion": 100,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-54"
"nameLeft": "Kanagi",
"textLeft": "I once left the house in such a hurry that I@mistakenly had my underwear on backwards."
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-55"
"nameRight": "Karin",
"textRight": "I'd rather you not desperately come out with@something like that just to make me feel better..."
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"nameLeft": "Iroha",
"textLeft": "We've found nothing... Nothing at all@related to Tsuyu Mizuna and Chizuru..",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"chara": [
"id": 100901,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-57"
"nameRight": "Rena",
"textRight": "All these things being so valuable makes@it really scary to even touch them..."
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"id": 300401,
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"textLeft": "I get that."
"chara": [
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-59"
"nameLeft": "Sasara",
"textLeft": "Besides, all this old language is hard to decipher,@so it takes a lot of time to read..."
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"id": 300401,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-60"
"nameLeft": "Sasara",
"textLeft": "I did finally get through my share,@but to be honest, I'm exhausted..."
"chara": [
"id": 100901,
"motion": 100,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-61"
"nameRight": "Rena",
"textRight": "The writing prowess of people back then is@actually turning out to be a problem for us..."
"chara": [
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"id": 101301,
"motion": 100,
"pos": 0,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-62"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "I can read it without issue, so feel@free to pass everything to me!"
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"id": 100101,
"motion": 100,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-63"
"nameLeft": "Iroha",
"textLeft": "Ah, Rena, your share was the last of it, right?"
"chara": [
"id": 100901,
"motion": 0,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-64"
"nameRight": "Rena",
"textRight": "If it was, doesn't that mean we had zero results?"
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"id": 101301,
"motion": 300,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-65"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "How could this be..."
"chara": [
"id": 101301,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-66"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "This paulownia wood box that we set aside at the@start is the only thing we haven't inspected..."
"chara": [
"id": 100901,
"motion": 200,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-67"
"nameRight": "Rena",
"textRight": "Didn't you say it was a tea bowl@when we saw it earlier?"
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"id": 101301,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-68"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "We may as well reconfirm the contents. Here goes."
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-69"
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"textLeft": "..."
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"id": 101301,
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"motion": 400,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-70"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "[chara:101301:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]*Gasp*"
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"nameRight": "Sasara",
"textRight": "What happened?@Wait, if you're reacting like that..."
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"id": 300401
"chara": [
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"voiceFullStop": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-71"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "It seems I've misremembered in spite of myself.@There's a letter inside..."
"chara": [
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"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp3.json",
"id": 300401,
"motion": 400,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-73"
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"textRight": "Seriously?!"
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"id": 101301,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-74"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "I've jumped to conclusions once again...!@I must offer my life in atonement...!"
"chara": [
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-75"
"nameRight": "Sasara",
"textRight": "We don't know if this has anything@to do with Tsuyu and Chizuru yet,"
"chara": [
"id": 300401,
"motion": 200,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-76"
"nameRight": "Sasara",
"textRight": "so there's no need to atone for anything."
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"id": 300401,
"motion": 1
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "Then...let us examine the contents..."
"chara": [
"id": 101301,
"motion": 200,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-78"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "Moment of truth!"
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"textLeft": "..."
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"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "Sasara... Please assist me in offering myself up...!"
"chara": [
"id": 300401,
"motion": 200,
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"nameRight": "Sasara",
"textRight": "It was related after all?!"
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-82"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "Yes..."
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"id": 101301,
"motion": 1,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-83"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "But it is merely a call to arms against \"the battle-@shamaness who turned to banditry\", Chizuru."
"chara": [
"id": 101301,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-84"
"nameLeft": "Asuka",
"textLeft": "It doesn't go into detail about it..."
"autoTurnLast": 0.2,
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"id": 101301
"effect": "fadeout",
"id": 300401
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"id": 101101,
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"pos": 2
"nameLeft": "Momoko",
"textLeft": "They sure make a ruckus..."
"chara": [
"id": 101101,
"motion": 300,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-86"
"nameRight": "Kaede",
"textRight": "I wonder if Sasara is going to wear herself out@one day playing the straight man all the time..."
"nameNarration": "",
"narration": "[se:7106_telmail]*Ring-ring♪*",
"narrationEffect": "in"
"autoTurnLast": 0.1,
"narrationEffect": "out"
"autoTurnLast": 2.2,
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"nameRight": "Kaede",
"textRight": "Ah...@...Huh?!"
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"nameLeft": "Momoko",
"textLeft": "Something the matter?"
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"id": 100901,
"motion": 200,
"pos": 0,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-90"
"nameLeft": "Rena",
"textLeft": "Did your family garden catch fire?"
"chara": [
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"motion": 200,
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-91"
"nameRight": "Kaede",
"textRight": "Of course not! It's a message from Karin!"
"chara": [
"id": 101101,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-92"
"nameRight": "Kaede",
"textRight": "She's coming to Ryushin Dojo right now!"
"chara": [
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"motion": 200,
"pos": 0,
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102906/vo_full_102902-5-93"
"nameLeft": "Momoko",
"textLeft": "Really?! So she made it back safely!"
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"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn"
"version": 3