2022-10-18 15:26:13 +08:00

1007 lines
31 KiB

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"chara": [
"id": 304800
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"textLeft": "Nn... First of aall...",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
"motion": 300
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Bringing out Alina's kindness..."
"chara": [
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Let's stop doing thaatt..."
"chara": [
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"id": 305700,
"motion": 400,
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"nameRight": "Akari",
"textRight": "Eh?!"
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
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"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "After aalll~... It's absolutely impossible..."
"chara": [
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"id": 111202,
"motion": 200,
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"nameRight": "Alina",
"textRight": "Huh? Is this Alina's fault again?"
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
"motion": 100
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Nn...@Alina isn't... really at fault here."
"chara": [
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Humans just can't change that much..."
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
"motion": 200
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "You'd be shocked if I suddenly became productive, wouldn't youu...?"
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"id": 305700,
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"textRight": "Right... people should change steadily."
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"textRight": "Then, what do we do?"
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"id": 304800,
"motion": 0,
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"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Point is... If we can get Karin's attention...@That's all we need, riightt~...?"
"chara": [
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"id": 111202,
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"textRight": "Are you confident?"
"chara": [
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"textLeft": "Weelll~... Not at all... Noo~..."
"chara": [
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"id": 111202,
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"textRight": "[chara:111202:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]Huh?!"
"chara": [
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"id": 304800,
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"pos": 0
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Buut~... I'd like to try it out for a bit, seee..."
"chara": [
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Something like the Amano-Iwato, I guess..."
"chara": [
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"id": 111202,
"motion": 0,
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"nameRight": "Alina",
"textRight": "What does that even mean?"
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
"motion": 1
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "If everyone makes a biiig fuss... we might lure@Karin to us..."
"chara": [
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Karin seems to love Halloween, sooo..."
"chara": [
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "If we all parade around happily~..."
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
"motion": 400
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "She might get curious, and then boom!@... She might just show up, riightt~...?"
"chara": [
"id": 111202,
"motion": 200
"nameRight": "Alina",
"textRight": "If she's going to show up like that, then what's@the point of all this?"
"chara": [
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"id": 304800,
"motion": 0,
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"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "... Trial and error is important in everything..."
"chara": [
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"id": 304800,
"motion": 200,
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"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "And hey... If we can get a fake to join..."
"chara": [
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "She might get more curious and come oout~...?"
"chara": [
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"id": 303400,
"motion": 0,
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"nameRight": "Moka",
"textRight": "A fake of Karin...?"
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
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"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Miss Ghost..."
"autoTurnLast": 0.2,
"chara": [
"effect": "fadeout",
"id": 303400
"textClear": 1
"item": [
"path": "resource/scenario/img/51148_singleraid_halloween21/51148_obake.png",
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"zOrder": "charaBack"
"nameRight": "Ghost",
"textRight": "I, aLiNA, mIsS GhoSt."
"chara": [
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Become Karin again..."
"autoTurnLast": 1,
"chara": [
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"nameRight": "Ghost",
"textRight": "I, aLiNA, trAnSForMeD."
"chara": [
"id": 304800,
"motion": 100
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Mm~... Thanks..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp3.json",
"id": 304800
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "But... Kariinn~...@She speaks with a different signature..."
"chara": [
"id": 101200
"nameRight": "Ghost",
"textRight": "I, ALikARi, kARin."
"chara": [
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"lipSynch": 0,
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"textRight": "......[wait:0.8][chara:111202:cheek_0][chara:111202:face_mtn_ex_030.exp3.json][chara:111202:lipSynch_1] Alina will not take part in this tomfoolery..."
"chara": [
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"id": 304800,
"motion": 400,
"pos": 0
"nameLeft": "Hotaru",
"textLeft": "Then...@Let's aall... enjoy Hallooweeen~...!"
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"chara": [
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"textLeft": "Yaay~... Halloween is fuun~...!",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
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"id": 101200
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"textRight": "I, aLiKaRI, HavINg fUn."
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"id": 305700,
"motion": 100,
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"textLeft": "Y-Yay... This is fun."
"chara": [
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"id": 305700
"nameLeft": "Akari",
"textLeft": "Um... Trick or Treat...?"
"chara": [
"id": 101200
"nameRight": "Ghost",
"textRight": "I, aLiKaRI, tRicK oR tReaT."
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"id": 304800,
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"textLeft": "We don't have sweets, though..."
"chara": [
"id": 101200,
"motion": 200
"nameRight": "Ghost",
"textRight": "[flashEffect:flashWhite2]I, aLiKaRI, wiLL tRiCK yOu."
"chara": [
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"motion": 400,
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"textLeft": "Eh...?!"
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"textRight": "..."
"chara": [
"id": 303400,
"motion": 100
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"textLeft": "Alina, please smile...! Like you're having fun..."
"chara": [
"id": 111202,
"lipSynch": 1
"nameRight": "Alina",
"textRight": "Smile..."
"autoTurnLast": 0.2,
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"nameNarration": "Moka",
"narration": "―Moka―@Um... Are you angry...?"
"nameNarration": "Alina",
"narration": "―Alina―@Alina is not angry at all."
"nameNarration": "Hotaru",
"narration": "―Hotaru―@... Hmm~... Looks like you're thinking something bad..."
"nameNarration": "Alina",
"narration": "―Alina―@Shut up! Alina's having fun!"
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"textCenter": "We've been going around in circles, but...",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"chara": [
"id": 111202
"nameCenter": "Alina",
"textCenter": "The fool girl, just what..."
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"textCenter": "[chara:111202:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]...?!"
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"textLeft": "I, aLiKari, a tRiCK."
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"id": 101202,
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