2021-05-01 22:24:57 +08:00

973 lines
30 KiB

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"textLeft": "They look stronger than us. Guess they didn't@need our help yesterday."
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"textRight": "Hm?"
"chara": [
"id": 102900
"nameLeft": "Shigure",
"textLeft": "If these two are Magical Girls from Takarazaki,@they must know what's happening here, right?"
"chara": [
"id": 103000
"nameRight": "Hagumu",
"textRight": "I think you're right. The instructor also knew@about it."
"chara": [
"id": 102900,
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"nameLeft": "Shigure",
"textLeft": "Won't we make progress quickly if we ask them@about it...?"
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"textRight": "Yeah, let's ask!"
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"motion": 1
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "If you guys are from Takarazaki, there's@something I want you to tell us."
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"textRight": "(Oh, she asked before I said anything...)"
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"textRight": "I don't really mind if it's something we can@answer."
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"textRight": "Yeah, what's up?"
"chara": [
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"motion": 200
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Have you heard about the increasing number of@crimes and accidents happening in Takarazaki?"
"chara": [
"id": 305400,
"motion": 200
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Well, of course!"
"chara": [
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"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Jun and I are working to solve it after all, lol."
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"textRight": "We're still struggling to figure it out, though."
"chara": [
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"textLeft": "Hmm...?"
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"textRight": "Does that mean you're looking into it, too?"
"chara": [
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"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Well, something like that."
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"textLeft": "Hey, wouldn't it be faster if we work together...?",
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"chara": [
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"id": 103000,
"motion": 400
"nameRight": "Hagumu",
"textRight": "Yeah, I think it'll be easier to find the Witch if@there are five of us...!"
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"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "In that case, why don't the three of you work@with us?!"
"chara": [
"id": 305400
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "We're all searching for the same thing, so we@could find it right away with five of us!"
"chara": [
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"nameLeft": "Shigure",
"textLeft": "(Oh, she also asked before I said anything...)"
"chara": [
"id": 305400,
"motion": 1
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"textRight": "If they join our team, we'll be able to solve it."
"chara": [
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"textRight": "What do you think, Jun?"
"chara": [
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"id": 305100,
"motion": 200,
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"nameLeft": "Jun",
"textLeft": "Sounds good to me."
"chara": [
"id": 305100
"nameLeft": "Jun",
"textLeft": "The sooner we solve this, the better it will be@for everyone."
"chara": [
"id": 305400,
"motion": 0
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Then what do you three think?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_014.exp.json",
"id": 305400
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Let's work together to solve Takarazaki's@problems and spread the word about us!"
"chara": [
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"id": 102800,
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"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "...Hmmm..."
"chara": [
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"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 102800
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Hey, can you show me the pics of the criminals@you took so far?"
"chara": [
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"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 305400,
"motion": 400,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Huh?!"
"chara": [
"id": 102800,
"motion": 0
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Didn't you say you were documenting this@stuff yesterday?"
"chara": [
"id": 305400,
"motion": 1
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Um, yeah, sure!"
"autoTurnLast": 2,
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"id": 102800,
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"chara": [
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"textLeft": "[chara:102800:effect_emotion_joy_0][se:7222_happy]'Kay, thankies!★",
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"cheek": 0,
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"id": 305400,
"motion": 300
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Then, from now on, we—"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 102800,
"motion": 0
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Nope, sorry, this cutie's not interested@in teaming up!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_051.exp.json",
"id": 102900,
"motion": 400,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Shigure",
"textRight": "What...?!"
"chara": [
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"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 305400,
"motion": 400,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Even though we have the same goal?!@I even showed you the pictures!"
"chara": [
"id": 102800,
"motion": 1
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "I only looked at the pictures because I wanted@the info."
"chara": [
"id": 102800
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Even if our goals are the same, we've each got@our own circumstances, yeah?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 305100,
"motion": 200,
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"nameLeft": "Jun",
"textLeft": "Heh, you got played, Mitsune."
"chara": [
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"id": 305400,
"motion": 200,
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"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Geeze, don't laugh at me, Jun!"
"chara": [
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"id": 305400
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "*Sigh*... But, it's not like we can force you@anyways..."
"chara": [
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"id": 305400,
"motion": 1
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "Well, let me know if you change your mind!@Lol."
"chara": [
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"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 305400
"nameRight": "Mitsune",
"textRight": "You can message me on that account and@I'll respond!"
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"id": 102800,
"motion": 200,
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"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "'Kay, sure."
"chara": [
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"id": 102800,
"motion": 0
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Now let's go, Shigurin, Hagurin."
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"textRight": "Oh, um, okay!"
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"textLeft": "Wait up...!"
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"textRight": "Why did you turn them down...?!",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"chara": [
"id": 102901
"nameRight": "Shigure",
"textRight": "It would definitely be faster if we searched@together...!"
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"nameRight": "Hagumu",
"textRight": "Yeah, I think so too!"
"chara": [
"id": 102801,
"motion": 0
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "I'm not gonna join someone's team.@This cutie's the one on the top."
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"id": 102901,
"motion": 0,
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"nameRight": "Shigure",
"textRight": "\"The top\"... You don't have to be so obsessed@with that kind of thing..."
"chara": [
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"face": "mtn_ex_021.exp.json",
"id": 102801,
"motion": 200
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Ugh, can you NOT get on my case?"
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"lipSynch": 0,
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"nameRight": "Shigure",
"textRight": "..."
"chara": [
"eyeClose": 1,
"id": 102801
"nameLeft": "Himena",
"textLeft": "Besides, I don't wanna be a part of whatever@stupid activities they're up to."
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"textRight": "..."
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"textLeft": "..."
"chara": [
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"textLeft": "...I hate this girl."
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"version": 3