2021-01-27 19:00:11 +08:00

707 lines
22 KiB

"story": {
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"motion": 400,
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"nameLeft": "Emiri",
"nameRight": "Hinano",
"textLeft": "Whoa, seriously?@You've been a Magical Girl for 5 years?",
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"id": 300301,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 1
"textRight": "I told you,[chara:300301:effect_emotion_angry_0][se:7219_strain] didn't I!@Don't act shocked!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
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"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Yeah, like I heard ya, but c'mon...@...Seriously?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 300,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "This is getting tiring..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 100,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Anyway, we're both Magical Girls, so @we can like...hang out together, huh?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Oh, geeze..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "So what now?@Myako...Mya...Myako-senpai"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Uh uh, no way. @You're not giving me some weird nickname..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Okay! Myako-senpai,@like whaddya normally do?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Wow, she totally ignored me..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Normally? @Normally, like..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Y'know...@Like school? Clubs?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
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"id": 300301,
"motion": 100,
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"textRight": "Clubs?@Well, I'm president of the chemistry club."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Wow, president, huh?@What a cute president you are!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Hey!@You're making fun of me!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
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"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "No, I'm totally not!@I really mean it!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 0,
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"textRight": "Yeah right..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Anyway, chemistry club...@I mean...chemistry?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "I'm not good at sciency stuff or@whatever, but..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "But isn't chemistry, like, really hard or@something?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Hard...@Hmmm..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Well, they study both chemistry @and biology in high school..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Oh."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "So, Myako-senpai! @You're a real sci-babe!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Huh?@...Sci-babe?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300601,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Sci-babe! @Y'know, a girl that's into science!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "*Sigh*"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "What else?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "So what do ya do in the chemistry@club anyway, Myako-senpai?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Well, for example, we hold @chemistry events for kids..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "I do chemistry demos for @grade schoolers, things like that."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "So that's kinda like that guy on TV..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300601,
"motion": 100,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "What's his name? @Bill (Beep), right?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Do you always beep out your own lines?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Ha ha![chara:300601:effect_emotion_joy_0][se:7222_happy]@Anyway, it sounds like fun!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Hey! Do ya think I could help @out in that kinda event too?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 100,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Wait, I got a great idea!@I can be your assistant!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Huh?@Why?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 1,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "First of all, you don't have any interest @in science as far as I can tell!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Well, it's just normally I don't like to,@like, think too hard about stuff..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 100,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "But I'm like totally pumped about doing @events like that, y'know?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "It just totally gets me all...y'know...@pumped up, y'know?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300301,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Pumped up, huh?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Yeah! Besides..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "I think I kinda like you, Myako-senpai!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300601,
"motion": 100,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Ding! [chara:300601:effect_emotion_joy_0][se:7222_happy]I just clicked on \"like\"!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "No thanks, I don't need your \"like\"!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Anyways!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300301,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "And I don't really care what gets you@\"pumped up,\" okay?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300301,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Chemistry experiments can be dangerous!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "I can't just let an airhead like you be my@assistant cause she thinks it'll be fun!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "C'mon, don't be such a bummer!@Please! Gimme a chance!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 400,
"mouthOpen": 1
"textRight": "Ugh! That hurts...!"
"chara": [
"id": 300301,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textRight": "Don't squeeze me so hard!@Ugh...!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 300601,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "I can't help it, Myako-senpai!@You're just so little and cute..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 300601,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "You're like...super-duper squeezable!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 2,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 200,
"mouthOpen": 1
"textRight": "Enough already!@Let me go!"
"autoTurnFirst": 2.8,
"bg": "bg_adv_narration.jpg",
"bgm": "stop",
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 300301,
"motion": 1,
"pos": 1,
"voice": "vo_char_3003_00_03"
"nameCenter": "Hinano",
"textCenter": "She's not just showing no respect!@She's just downright rude!",
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut",
"turnEffect": "stop"
"autoTurnFirst": 4,
"chara": [
"id": 300301,
"motion": 200
"chara": [
"id": 300301
"autoTurnLast": 2,
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"version": 3