2021-01-27 19:00:11 +08:00

635 lines
19 KiB

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"narration": "Summer!",
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"narration": "The ocean!",
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"narration": "The beach!",
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"nameLeft": "Tsukuyo",
"nameRight": "Tsukasa",
"textLeft": "Well, we managed to arrive before noon.",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"chara": [
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"textRight": "For sure."
"chara": [
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"textLeft": "We only need to pass through here to reach@the beach, correct?"
"chara": [
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"motion": 0
"textRight": "Yep!"
"chara": [
"id": 101901,
"motion": 200
"textRight": "We should get changed as soon as we get@there, so we can jump right into the ocean!"
"chara": [
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"textRight": "Wh-whoa..."
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"textRight": "It's way more packed than I thought it'd be."
"chara": [
"id": 101801
"textLeft": "The beach we went to on our trip was a @private one."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101801,
"motion": 100
"textLeft": "I suppose it stands to reason that we @wouldn't have this one to ourselves too."
"chara": [
"id": 101901,
"motion": 200
"textRight": "This was supposed to be our special vacation@together..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_040.exp.json",
"id": 101801,
"motion": 0
"textLeft": "Tsukasa..."
"chara": [
"id": 101901,
"motion": 1
"textRight": "Things are always so busy back at home."
"chara": [
"id": 101901
"textRight": "That Iroha Tamaki and her friends have made@it so crazy for the Wings of the Magius, too."
"chara": [
"id": 101901,
"motion": 300
"textRight": "I can't believe we aren't going to get this@one day off to unwind!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 101801,
"motion": 200
"textLeft": "It will be all right."
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"id": 101801,
"motion": 1
"textLeft": "I don't mind as long as I'm able to spend the@day with you."
"chara": [
"id": 101801
"textLeft": "I'm sure I'll be able to relax, regardless of@where we choose to spend that time."
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 101901,
"motion": 0
"textRight": "Thanks, Tsukuyo..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 101901,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "Well... I guess we should go get changed into@our swimsuits."
"chara": [
"id": 101801,
"motion": 100
"textLeft": "Yes!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_040.exp.json",
"id": 101801
"textLeft": "Hmm... Which way to the changing rooms, I@wonder?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 101901,
"motion": 0
"textRight": "Let's look for them."
"chara": [
"id": 101901
"textRight": "Once we're changed, we can go find@somewhere nice in the shade to relax."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 101901,
"motion": 200
"textRight": "After that we can go into the ocean!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 101801,
"motion": 200
"textLeft": "That sounds like a good plan."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101901,
"motion": 1
"textRight": "With this many people around, the changing@rooms are probably pretty full right now."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 101901
"textRight": "Though I guess if we can't find a place to@change there, we could use the bathroom..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 101801,
"motion": 400
"textLeft": "Ch-change in the bathroom?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 101901,
"motion": 300
"textRight": "Huh? Is it that weird of an idea?"
"chara": [
"id": 101801,
"motion": 200
"textLeft": "N-no, no, not at all."
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101801,
"motion": 100
"textLeft": "I just... I have never changed my clothes in@a bathroom is all..."
"chara": [
"id": 101901,
"motion": 400
"textRight": "[chara:101901:effect_emotion_surprise_0][se:7226_shock]Seriously?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101901
"textRight": "Well, now I'd feel bad to make you..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 101901,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "Let's just try to find a changing room."
"chara": [
"cheek": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 101801,
"motion": 200
"textLeft": "O-okay!"
"autoTurnLast": 2,
"bgm": "stop",
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn"
"version": 3