2021-11-14 01:43:11 +08:00

938 lines
35 KiB

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"textRight": "Then he prepared a house for me, even though@I hadn't heard from him for six months."
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"progressNarration": "[textBlack:Magical Girls who are after@the ][textYellow:Kimochi][textBlack: stones.]",
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"progressNarration": "[textBlack:Flurrying about, making themselves busy,]@[textBlack:they search for signs of its location@with pounding hearts,]@[textBlack:they run about with a gleam in their eyes.]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-23"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:One was found high in@the mountains of Hokuyo.]@[textBlack:A ][textYellow:Kimochi][textBlack: that was made of immense energy.]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-24"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:It was Felicia's Hammer that struck and]@[textBlack:smashed it to pieces with a kablam!]@[textBlack:And just as before,@it had turned into a stone,]@[textBlack:it had become a Bracelet.]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-25"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:To win the race against Promised Blood,]@[textBlack:to protect all the Magical Girls of Kamihama,]@[textBlack:it was one step towards saving@all the Magical Girls in the world.]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-26"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:So, for the people of Kamihama@and the Tokime Clan,]@[textBlack:even if there were a few mixed feelings,]@[textBlack:for now a smile blossomed on their faces.]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-27"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:However,]@[textBlack:that smile quickly faded@away into the background...]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-28"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:Iroha's little sister, Ui...]@[textBlack:She was kidnapped by Promised Blood...]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-29"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:...]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-30"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:What I'm going to put together is a summary]@[textBlack:of the days before Ui was abducted.]@[textBlack:Days when I was still relieved@that they got the stone,]@[textBlack:days when a chain of misfortunes befell@the girl that came to Kamihama.]",
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"progressNarration": "[textBlack:I think it must have been hard for her.]@[textBlack:But for me, meeting a girl with the same goal]@[textBlack:was an encouraging experience.]@[textBlack:I think I'll retell it all again...]",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-32"
"progressNarration": "[textBlack:Magical Girls,]@[textBlack:and those who are trying@to spread the word,]@[textBlack:meet.]",
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"textRight": "In regards to your father's whereabouts...@Are they still unknown?"
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-39"
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"textLeft": "Yes. It's regrettable,@but that does seem to be the case..."
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-40"
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"textRight": "It's been almost a month since you moved in."
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"nameLeft": "Nayuta",
"textLeft": "Even though I don't have to pay the success fee,@making no progress, I feel like I'm being bled dry."
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"nameRight": "Rabi",
"textRight": "I'm sure your father is still alive. Surely you don't@need to push yourself so hard looking for him?"
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-43"
"nameRight": "Rabi",
"textRight": "After all, I don't think you're suffering@from any financial difficulties, Lady Nayuta."
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"textLeft": "That's not what this is about."
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"textLeft": "My Papa promised that we@would save Magical Girls together."
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"nameNarration": "Nayuta's Father",
"narration": "\"I need your help Nayuta, I can't do this on my own.@Help me free you all from the yoke of being a Magical Girl.\"",
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"narration": "\"The outside world has rarely spoken of them,@but I will bring to light the truth of Magical Girls.\"",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-47"
"narration": "\"That being said, the only thing a scholar like myself@can do is research away and compile@my findings into a book of my own.\"",
"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-48"
"narration": "\"Still, we need that book to serve as an entrypoint@for the world's discussion of the subject,@and to ensure more children don't fall prey@to becoming Magical Girls...\"",
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"narration": "Ever since that day,@Papa and I have been working together@to find out more about Magical Girls.",
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-51"
"narration": "I would get to know other Magical Girls, and try@to learn more about how they went about making@a contract and the circumstances surrounding them.@Meanwhile, Papa traveled around the world,@seeking events in various cultures that could@be tied to Magical Girls."
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"voiceFullAuto": "fullvoice/section_102304/vo_full_102304-1-52"
"narration": "Then, we compiled our findings into a book titled@\"Magical Girls: Their Hope and Despair\"@and began work on the final volume."
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"narration": "And yet..."
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"textRight": "And it's been some time since I last heard from him,@when he arranged for the house and myself."
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"textLeft": "Even if he's not here, I'd like to find a trace of him."
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"textRight": "The detective agency is no help, either."
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"textRight": "So you can't just stay home,@you'll have to use your own two feet to find him."
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"textLeft": "It's that girl..."
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"textCenter": "Hey hey! Are you Magical Girls from out of town?@Let Mii lend you a hand!"
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