
456 lines
14 KiB

"story": {
"group_1": [
"bg": "bg_adv_21491.jpg",
"bgm": "bgm03_story07",
"nameNarration": "Karin",
"narration": "And so Phantom Thief Karin became aware@of her own sins, and resolved to change.",
"narrationBg": "bg_adv_narration.jpg",
"narrationEffect": "in",
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut",
"turnEffect": "blackFrame"
"narration": "I probably caused a ton of trouble@for a bunch of Magical Girls..."
"narration": "But from now on, I'll fight as @regular Magical Girl: Karin Misono.@I'll fight alongside my friends."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 1,
"soulGem": 0
"nameCenter": "Alina",
"narrationEffect": "out",
"textCenter": "What I'm saying is that the main character@is struggling, but trying to make progress."
"nameNarration": "Karin",
"narration": "Alina-senpai was so right. I did grow as@a person by learning the value of teamwork.",
"narrationBg": "bg_adv_narration.jpg",
"narrationEffect": "in"
"narration": "That's why, from now on, I'm going to team@up with my friends and save everyone."
"bg": "bg_adv_21491.jpg",
"bgm": "stop",
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_021.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 200,
"pos": 0
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 2,
"soulGem": 0
"nameLeft": "Karin",
"nameRight": "Alina",
"narrationEffect": "out",
"textLeft": "What do you think, Alina-senpai?!",
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut",
"turnEffect": "stop"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "Karin Misono... You..."
"bgm": "bgm03_story08",
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 100801
"textRight": "What are you making me read?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_052.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 400,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textLeft": "Huh?!"
"bgEffect": "shakeLarge",
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textBg": "shout",
"textRight": "This is NOT how it should be!"
"chara": [
"id": 100801,
"motion": 300
"textRight": "This is terribile! I'm so angry!"
"chara": [
"id": 100801
"textRight": "This scrap of paper! It is no manga that's@for sure, and's trash!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 0
"textLeft": "Trash... But...I found the answer I was@searching for..."
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0
"textRight": "Ugh, take it back. Rip it up yourself."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_052.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"lipSynch": 0
"textLeft": "...?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_022.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 200
"textLeft": "I don't care if you're my senpai, that's@too cruel! I can't tear it up!"
"chara": [
"id": 100801
"textRight": "Geeze! I, Alina, was simply telling you@to dispose of your own garbage."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101201
"textLeft": "I can't..."
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"id": 100801,
"motion": 200
"textRight": "So then, Karin Misono... Are you satisfied@with what you've created?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_040.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 300
"textLeft": "Yes..."
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0
"textRight": "You're lying."
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 100801
"textRight": "This can't be how she truly feels! What@does this character truly desire?!"
"chara": [
"id": 100801
"textRight": "All I want is for her to be true to herself!"
"chara": [
"id": 100801,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "But then, this character is you, correct?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 0
"textLeft": "Y-you knew?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101201
"textLeft": "B-but, it's a story about Magical Girls,@so..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_040.exp.json",
"id": 101201
"textLeft": "Wait, are you...a Magical Girl too?"
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0
"textRight": "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp.json",
"id": 100801
"textRight": "But it reminded me of you."
"chara": [
"id": 100801
"textRight": "That heroine is just like you."
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 300
"textRight": "That's why I'm so angry!@Sono incazzata!"
"chara": [
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0
"textRight": "What does this character truly desire?!@What do YOU truly desire?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"eyeClose": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 200
"textRight": "*Slurp* *Gulp* Ahh..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_040.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 100
"textLeft": "Nooo... My strawberry milk..."
"chara": [
"cheek": -1,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 100801,
"motion": 0
"textRight": "Thanks to you the mood in this classroom@has spoiled."
"bgEffect": "shakeLarge",
"chara": [
"id": 100801,
"mouthOpen": 0
"textBg": "shout",
"textRight": "Goodbye!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"lipSynch": 0,
"motion": 300,
"pos": 1
"effect": "fadeout",
"id": 100801
"nameCenter": "Karin",
"textCenter": "..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_052.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"lipSynch": 0
"textCenter": "(My true feelings...)"
"autoTurnFirst": 4,
"bg": "bg_adv_narration.jpg",
"bgm": "stop",
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_040.exp.json",
"id": 101201,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 1,
"voice": "vo_char_1012_00_04"
"nameCenter": "Karin",
"textCenter": "I just keep making excuses for myself@and it's all gone wrong...",
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"autoTurnFirst": 2,
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 101201,
"motion": 300
"chara": [
"id": 101201
"autoTurnLast": 2,
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn"
"version": 3