2021-06-01 08:50:40 +08:00

586 lines
18 KiB

"story": {
"group_1": [
"autoTurnLast": 0.01,
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 0
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 402301,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 2,
"soulGem": 0
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn"
"bg": "bg_adv_20103.jpg",
"bgm": "bgm03_story10",
"chara": [
"id": 402101
"nameLeft": "Tart",
"nameRight": "Melissa",
"textLeft": "Under attack?!",
"turnChangeOut": "fadeOut"
"chara": [
"id": 402301,
"motion": 1
"textRight": "That's right..."
"chara": [
"id": 402301
"textRight": "The English army and their monsters are@heading towards the keep that protects it."
"chara": [
"id": 402301,
"motion": 400
"textRight": "The lord of the fortress is requesting aid!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402201,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Liz",
"textRight": "The townspeople would be in a lot of danger@if that fortress was breached..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 201
"textLeft": "Let's head there right away, Liz!"
"chara": [
"id": 402201,
"motion": 200
"textRight": "Yes, we'll leave at once."
"chara": [
"id": 402201
"textRight": "Though first we must inform the others."
"chara": [
"id": 402201,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "We're going to need more support."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 402301,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 0,
"soulGem": 0
"nameLeft": "Melissa",
"textLeft": "Indeed..."
"chara": [
"id": 402301
"textLeft": "The monsters have the fortress completely@surrounded..."
"autoTurnLast": 0.01,
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 0
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 2
"turnChangeIn": "rollInFast"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 0
"nameLeft": "",
"nameRight": "Tart",
"textRight": "What?!",
"turnChangeOut": "rollOutFast"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 402201,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Liz",
"textRight": "You're saying we can't help them?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "It's painful to admit this La Pucelle, our@maiden, but..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "We have been battling for days, and many@have suffered injuries."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "We simply cannot fight anymore..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 402201,
"motion": 1
"textRight": "I see."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "And there's another problem."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 1,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Tart",
"textRight": "What's that?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "While the lord of the fortress seems@completely neutral..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "I hear he has formed ties with English@nobles recently."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp.json",
"id": 402201,
"motion": 1,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Liz",
"textRight": "Which means..."
"chara": [
"id": 402201
"textRight": "He was effectively conspiring with the@English army?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "It appears so."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"id": 402201,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "Then..."
"chara": [
"id": 402201
"textRight": "The lord must have invited the English@troops in. Then the monsters went wild."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 2
"nameRight": "Tart",
"textRight": "And now he wants help from the French?"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "Yes. But given the circumstances they are@reluctant to help him."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"eyeClose": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 402101
"textRight": "I see..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"eyeClose": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 201
"textRight": "In that case, I shall hurry to the fortress@myself!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "Alone, La Pucelle?!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_050.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "You cannot! The place is swarming with@monsters!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 2
"textRight": "But if the stronghold falls, the townspeople@will be in danger..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "I must go!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp.json",
"id": 402201,
"lipSynch": 0,
"motion": 1,
"pos": 0
"nameLeft": "Liz",
"textLeft": "..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 402201
"textLeft": "I'll go with you."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_011.exp.json",
"id": 402101
"textRight": "Liz!"
"autoTurnLast": 0.1,
"chara": [
"id": 402201,
"pos": 2
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_030.exp.json",
"id": 830300,
"motion": 0,
"pos": 0
"nameLeft": "",
"textLeft": "B-but..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_000.exp.json",
"id": 402201,
"motion": 0
"nameRight": "Liz",
"textRight": "I want to protect Tart. And besides..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402201
"textRight": "I cannot stand the thought of watching@people die when I could've saved them..."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"eyeClose": 1,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 402201,
"motion": 100
"textRight": "Tart understands that better than anyone."
"chara": [
"eyeClose": 0,
"id": 402201
"textRight": "That is why we have followed her to@this very day."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"textLeft": "I have no objection to that, and neither does@the French army."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 830300
"id": 402201,
"motion": 1
"textLeft": "I'll try again to recruit members from the@troops here."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_010.exp.json",
"id": 402101,
"motion": 100,
"pos": 0
"nameLeft": "Tart",
"textLeft": "Thank you very much!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"effect": "ef_adv_05",
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402200,
"motion": 200,
"pos": 2
"se": "7205_magic_girl",
"textRight": "Now that it's decided, we should hurry."
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402101
"textLeft": "Yes!"
"chara": [
"cheek": 0,
"effect": "ef_adv_05",
"face": "mtn_ex_020.exp.json",
"id": 402100,
"motion": 201,
"pos": 0
"se": "7205_magic_girl",
"textLeft": "We have to save the townspeople!"
"autoTurnLast": 2,
"turnChangeIn": "fadeIn"
"version": 3